E-Vital 20 Capsules

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E-Vital Energy Booster & Immunity Booster 20 Capsules by SP Singh Chawla

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E-Vital Energy Booster & Immunity Booster 20 Capsules

E-Vital derives its name from Energy & Vitality.

This is a high quality formula well researched and developed by

S.P. SINGH CHAWLA, B.Sc Bio, M.Sc; (Chemistry) & EDP.

It contains judiciously chosen herbs like kali musli, akarkara, salam panja, ashwagandha, tal makhana, shatavar, pipal goond, kaunch beej, javitari, vidarikand, trifla, shilajit, safed musli.

Medicinal value of the ingredients are as follows:-

Shilajit:- It contains a number of vitamins and minerals and strengthen whole body.

Kali Musli:- It contains Vitamin A,B & E. It has Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and potassium

Akarkara:- It contains alkaloid Pellitorin and isobutylamides which helps reproductive system to function normally. It gives strength to the body.

Salam panja:- It helps to increase stamina and sperm count

Ashwagandha:- It gives strength to the body. It contains Vitamin C, Iron and Calcium

Tal Makhana:- It increases sperm count, helps in EDF.

Shatavar:- It contains Vitamin A, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium , Magnesium etc which strengthen the body.

Useful in– General body Vitaliser, Low Testosterone, Tiredness, body weakness, Oligospermia, Azoospermia.

E-Vital Capsule is a body tonic for all the persons above 18 years of age.

Dose:-1-2 capsules two times a day with warm milk/water.

Note:- To be taken under medical supervision/doctor/specialist only.


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